
About this Demo:

   The Console Output to the right exercises three main features of DemoCrossy:

  1. Redefine readLine() as window.prompt():
// Simple example taken from:
override def demo(): Unit = {
  print("Enter your first name: ")
  val firstName = readLine()
  print("Enter your last name: ")
  val lastName = readLine()
  println(s"Your name is $firstName $lastName")

   Because window.prompt() takes a message parameter, readLine() passes the most recent line of consol output to prompt.

  1. DemoCrossy provides every XApp context with a prompt() method. In the browser, this maps directly to window.prompt(), in node.js it relies on the prompt-sync node module so make sure you've installed prompt-sync if you plan on running DemoCrossy command line programs on node.
override def demo(): Unit = {
  val nationality: String = prompt("What is your nationality?")
  println(s"$nationality, huh?  Let me find my globe.")

   Although not standard Scala, you can take advantage of the prompt() method to provide a more consistent experience across the various Scala platforms.

  1. The final demonstration aims at exhaustive coverage of ANSI text formatting. Although many modern ignore blink formatting, DemoCrossy honors it (for now).

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